How to Identify your Unique Dentistry Style?

Zircon Medical
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

Opening a private practice, just like opening any business, is a harrowing period full of uncertainties. Dentists who venture into private practice must establish what sets them apart, their unique dentistry style, to avoid being lost in the fray of larger and more established dental clinics.

This article takes you through the primary factors you must consider when establishing a unique dentistry style.


Patients must know what your dental clinic specializes in, i.e., what the primary dentist specializes in. You should clearly identify the primary procedures and dental services you offer, complete with the relevant training and experience details. This is only the first step in identifying your dentistry style. Whatever your specialization might be, such as orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, etc., there will be plenty of other dentists offering the same services. However, it lays the groundwork to build your identity.

At this stage, younger dentists might be tempted to claim they can handle all kinds of dental procedures. However, claiming you can do everything based on rudimentary knowledge is reckless and might hurt your trustworthiness. It’s better to be honest about your dental clinic’s limitations and refer your patients to more experienced dentists. The good faith your clinic builds from that gesture is worth far more than any short-term benefits.


Personality refers to your dental clinic’s individual identity, characteristics, philosophies, and goals. It’s usually a collection of the primary dentist’s personality, leadership style, and the team’s general approach to patient care. Just like each individual has a unique personality, so too does each dental practice. However, figuring out your exact personality might be more difficult than it seems. Most people say they have “high standards of care” or “high levels of skills” — these claims don’t mean much because no dentist would state otherwise.

Instead of cliches, you must take a good look at your clinic to identify its unique personality. For example, Dr. Gül’s dental practice is quiet, patient, flexible, and focused on collective treatments. Those are unique qualities. You should identify similar traits. Does your clinic have specialized accessibility features for differently-abled patients? Do you keep fewer appointments to ensure each patient has as much time as they need with you? Does your dental practice have a daycare area with attendants for kids?

These are examples of questions you should be asking yourself to identify your unique personality.


Think about your dental clinic’s location to determine if it has any special value to the patients. Gül’s dental practice is right next to a thriving and busy station, making it highly accessible to patients from various parts of the city. Most people won’t be as lucky to have such a convenient location, but you can still find unique features in your clinic’s location. Focus on your building, surrounding amenities, and make a list of possible attractions.

Is it close to lots of public transportation? Is it quiet and solitary to offer a calming spa-like environment? Is there plenty of parking spaces in the area? Is the dental clinic near retail stores or convenience stores? Are the rooms especially spacious and suitable for claustrophobic individuals? Does the dental clinic offer sweeping views of the city? These are examples of questions you can ask yourself to identify your location’s USPs.


Finally, think about your dental practice’s unique patient benefits and rewards. Do you offer some benefits that no other clinics offer? Maybe a discount for preventative dentistry if the entire family gets it together? Maybe you offer annual memberships with access to discounted services? Or perhaps the benefit is something as simple as online or app-based bookings. Whatever your patient benefits and rewards might be, it establishes your unique identity. These aren’t necessary, but they help you distinguish yourself from others.

If you follow these factors, you’ll probably come up with a list of suitable characteristics for your dental clinic. You can cull that list down to the most essential defining traits that establish your identity. But the process doesn’t end there — finding your dental clinic’s true USP is a longer process that you must continue refining with time, as you learn more about your patients, your team, and yourself.

This article was originally published in the Zircon Medical Magazine for leading dental professionals. The article was based on an interview conducted with Dr. Gül, the founder of a private dental practice in Hannover.



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